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Myers-Briggs has helped me transform my life and I want to help you have your own transformative experiences.

Learn Your Correct Myers-Briggs Type, Guaranteed!

Unlock the power of Myers-Briggs to change your life.

The Benefits of Knowing Your Type

The 4 Fundamental reasons why knowing your Myers-Briggs type can change your life

Self-Acceptance and Understanding

Knowing your type can help you understand your strengths and weaknesses in an objective way that can help you accept your flaws and lean into your strengths.

When you understand Myers-Briggs you come to understand that every person has their own equally important natural strengths and weaknesses so you can stop beating yourself up about what you're not good at and feel permission to be yourself.

Improve Relationships

Knowing your type will help you understand your unique needs and inclinations and how they differ from others so you can see relationship dynamics in a whole new way. 

This will help you identify and overcome potential barriers and sources of conflict in important relationships in your life, it will help you to get into faster rapport with others and grow closer to the ones you love.

Inform Career Decisions

Myers-Briggs can also help inform important career decisions. Many people end up frustrated, doing things that they're not suited for in order to get by. 

Having objective data and an understanding of how your brain works can help you put yourself in position to get paid to do more of what you love and less of what's draining and frustrating to you.

Blueprint for Self-Development

Knowing your type can also give you specific leverage points for personal development. 

You'll have a blueprint for strengths to invest in, weaknesses to improve on and blindspots to compensate for on your path to self-actualization.

Why It's so Hard to Settle on Your Correct Type

Figuring out your type can be frustrating, expensive and time-consuming.

Tests are Unreliable

It’s impossible for us to be objective about ourselves, especially in a black and white format like a multiple-choice test, and it’s impossible to remove ambiguity in questions.

Some estimates say that more than half of people who retake the official Myers-Briggs Type Indicator re-test as different types. Does this mean that their type changed? Does this mean that the whole theory is bunk? No, it means that self-reporting multiple choice tests are just not accurate.

Type Descriptions Don't Fit

Myers-Briggs is about cognitive wiring, not behavior - so how this manifests will vary.

Most type descriptions you read will paint a picture of a type based on behavior, but this behavior will not fit every one of the type.

Some people simply don't fit the stereotypical mold for their type.

Everyone Has an Opinion

if you try and solicit help in places like forums and places like Reddit and Facebook groups, you're virtually guaranteed to get a bunch of firm, but conflicting opinions that only serve to confuse you more. 

There’s a concept you may have heard of called the Dunning-Kruger Effect. This suggests that the least competent are often the most confident. Being able to accurately asses type takes years of study, training, practice and failure and very, very few people have actually gone through this process to become competent.

False Experts

Some may take as long as 90 minutes or more in a session and never deliver clarity for their client. 

In some cases people have come to me after hiring as many as 5 other people to type them, none or few of whom agreed with each other or came to the right conclusion and the client is often quite confused about their type by the time they hire me.

Why Booking a Type-Reading Session Here 
is The Best Solution

Rest assured that there's no better offer available for learning your type.


I was trained and certified by Myers-Briggs type-reading pioneers Camronn Huff and Antonia Dodge from 2012 to 2013, including many hours of one-on-one training from the best in the field.


I've type-read hundreds of people in many venues, mentored numerous other type-readers and published educational content for more than a decade. 


I'm driven by the ability I've cultivated to deliver magic moments for clients, where they have profound realizations that will have a meaningful impact on their lives.


Over time I've developed ground-breaking strategies and techniques to optimize my rigorous type-reading process, hone my intuition and to deliver accurate results and consistent clarity for my clients.


The proof is in the pudding, as they say, and knowing and understanding my own type has helped me transform from a shy outcast as a kid to someone who's been able to conquer their greatest fears, including public speaking and social anxiety.

My testimonials speak to how I've been able to deliver impactful results for my clients as well.


Unlike some competitors, a recording of our session is optional and, while it's not necessary to provide any revealing information on our call, nothing from our session will be shared in any way with anyone without your explicit permission.


In the vast majority of cases, we'll be able to agree on your type in 20 minutes or less, giving us 40 minutes or more for discussion and q&a to help you understand your type and how applying this knowledge will benefit you.


After our call you'll receive a written breakdown of my assessment, information about your type and personalized insights based on our call.


You'll pay for less than you'd pay with competitors for a far superior service.


All sessions come with a lifetime no-questions-asked money-back guarantee. If you don't receive clarity then you pay nothing.

Book a Type Reading Session To Get Clarity on Your Myers-Briggs Type Once and for All!

Unlock the power of Myers-Briggs to change your life.

Are You Ready to Book Your Session Now?

Here's exactly what you're getting...

A 60 Minute Zoom Call 
Clarity on Your Type Guaranteed 
(Optional) Recording of Our Session
A Written Breakdown of My Analysis and Personalized Insights About Your Type

How Much Does It Cost? $250? $500?! Just $97


Featured Testimonials from My Clients

“Super helpful. Scott was able to explain my type in a way that helped me understand facets of my personality and functioning in a way that I hadn’t before. Thank you so much, Scott!”

Alison Trumbull

“I would highly recommend Scott, he is engaging and inquisitive. I knew my Briggs and he did figure it out, so he is also efficient in his typing. Overall very very fun and awesome person. I got my whole family typed.”

Krissy Bocking

“Scott James has helped me TREMENDOUSLY. Scott is a consumate pro, and so passionate about his work. I highly recommend him if you want to take your own learning further, double down on your own skills and super powers, and otherwise max out your relationships inside and outside the musical and artistic world. He is, flat out, the guy.​”

Patrick Cronen

“The personality profile that Scott James did for me recently was a real eye-opener and I truly believe that anyone armed with this information can make lasting changes in their life. Scott was able to ask questions in a way that not only produced useful information he needed for my profile, but also made me more aware of who I really am while answering his questions. I found his suggestions and insight on my own behavior and how I relate others very helpful and appreciated the time he took to explain things thoroughly to me.”

Kim Giles

Still got questions? Book a free inquiry call!

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

What Elements of Myers-Briggs Theory Are Used in Sessions?

During sessions I ask questions and look for clues that consider:

The 4 Dichotomies

Introvert vs. Extravert

Sensor vs. iNtuitive

Thinker vs. Feeler

Judger vs. Perceiver

The 4 Temperaments

Citizens aka Guardians [Sensor/Judger]

Catalysts aka Artisans [Sensor/Perceiver]

Advocates aka Idealists [iNtuitive/Feeler]

Rationalists aka Masterminds [iNtuitive Thinker]

The 8 Cognitive Functions.

Introverted iNtuition / Extraverted iNtuition

Introverted Sensing / Extraverted Sensing

Introverted Feeling / Extraverted Feeling

Introverted Thinking / Extraverted Thinking

These aspects of Myers-Briggs types generally amount to generalizations of the underlying theory of cognitive functions first introduced by Carl Jung, which is what I primarily focus on.

I also look at the individual nuances and quirks of each of the 16 types from having typed hundreds of individuals for more than a decade.

What If I'm Impossible to Type?

When we get deep into the weeds of self-discovery it can sometimes feel like we don’t fit into any pattern or type. This is fairly common and there can be many reasons for feeling this way.

Type descriptions can be misleading, well-meaning people can offer strong, but conflicting opinions and some type, in particular, are prone to seeing themselves in many lights, thus making it seem difficult or impossible to come to a firm conclusion.

In over a decade I have yet to be stumped. If necessary we’ll spend extra time confirming your type and if, by the end of the session we haven’t agreed on a clear type then you’ll get your money immediately.

Can I Purchase a Type Reading for Someone Else as a Gift?

Absolutely! Just message me through the contact form below to make arrangements.

What If I’m Not Available for a Call On Any of the Available Hours Listed on the Schedule?

Before booking your session you’ll be able to see a list of available times. If none of the times available work for you, just message me through the contact form below with your availability and we can likely make it work.

What If I’m Not Available for a Call On Any of the Available Hours Listed on the Schedule?

After scheduling your session you’ll receive an email with instructions for joining our call usually within 24 hours. This is a manual email that I’ll write myself, letting you know that your session is confirmed.

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Book a free 10 minute call and have your questions answered:

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